
The mathematical term "Algebra" was derived from the Arabic word 'al-jabr'
 Indian mathematicians like  Aryabhatta , Bhrahmagupta, Mahavir, Bhaskara Ⅱ, Sridhara have contribute a lot to this branch of mathematics.
The Greek mathematician, Diophantus of Alexandria 
had developed this branch to a greater extent.
Hence he is called as "The father of Algebra"        

   Basic concepts of Polynomial:

  • Monomial:
                   An Algebraic expression that contains only one term is called a monomial.
                                   2x², 3ab,81xyz                 

  • Binomial:
                   An Algebraic expression that contains only two terms is called a binomial.
                                   x + y, 4a - 3b , l² -7m

  • Trinomial:
                  An Algebraic expression that contains only three terms is called a Trinomial
                                      x + y + z , 2a - 3b +4

  • Polynomial:
                    An expression containing a finite number of terms with non zero coefficient is called a polynomial.  
                                        a + b + c +d , 3x⁵ + 4x³ - 3x² + 72 x + 5

Degree of the polynomial:

                           The highest power of the terms is the degree of the polynomial.
                                          3x⁵ + 4x³ - 3x² + 72 x + 5 is the polynomial of degree 5.


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