
       Geometry is the branch of Mathematics that deals with the properties of various geometrical shapes and figures.In Greek the word "Geometry" means "Earth Measurement".Geometry deals with the shape,size,position and other geometrical properties of various objects.Geometry is useful in studying space,architecture,design and engineering.

Basic Geometrical Concepts:


       A fine dot made with a sharp pencil may be taken as roughly representing a point. A point has a position but it has no length,breadth or thickness. It is denoted by the capital letters.
                      ●            ●
                      A             B


       A line is traced out by a moving point. If the point of a pencil is moved over a sheet of the paper,the trace left represent a line. A line has length,but it has no breadth. A line has no end points. A line is named with  the small letters.   


          A ray has a starting point buy has no end point. The starting point is called the initial point.

Line Segment:

        Let AB be a straight line.
         Two points C and D are taken on it. CD is a part of AB. CD is called a line segment.
A line segment has two end points.


         A plane is a flat surface which extends indefinitely in all directions. The upper surface of a table,the blackboard and the walls are some examples of planes.


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